BerlinBrains takes off the straitjacket from the capital. So that Berlin can breathe and grow again.
Alan Wolan and Alexander Skora put together a team that will liven up Berlin and lead it on a new path. The biological law, according to which everything that does not grow dies, also applies to Germany’s most populous city. The capital, which is currently cramped and patronized by politicians like a bonsai tree, is causing astonishment and head shaking all over the world. It is time to get up and change something.
We are looking for people who want to make a difference with us. Become a BerlinBrain: We search for adventurers, entrepreneurs, mind-over-matter-masters, scientists, philosophers, artists, poets, musicians and lateral thinkers. Do you want to breathe new life into the capital or rather make it worth living again? Then become part of BerlinBrains. We believe in the power of ideas and the potential of our generation. Together we can change Berlin and make it a great metropolis!
The Program
- Design Democracy
- Positive Politics
- Ideologyfree Initiatives
- Build Build Build
- Friendly digital administration
- Professional private schools
- Clean City
Get active!
You were not yet politically active, but are you convinced that your ideas will put Berlin on the right path? Would you like to change Berlin and shape the future together with us? Would you like to work on an all-or-nothing project?
Then send us your short personal profile, tell us what is really annoying you in Berlin and describe to us your vision of a livable capital. Apply by email to:
By sending your email, you confirm that you agree to our privacy policy and that we can use your data to contact you. We do not pass your data on to third parties.